// ImGui Platform Binding for: GLFW
// This needs to be used along with a Renderer (e.g. OpenGL3, Vulkan..)
// (Info: GLFW is a cross-platform general purpose library for handling windows, inputs, OpenGL/Vulkan graphics context creation, etc.)
// Implemented features:
// [X] Platform: Clipboard support.
// [X] Platform: Gamepad navigation mapping. Enable with 'io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad'.
// [x] Platform: Mouse cursor shape and visibility. Disable with 'io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange'. FIXME: 3 cursors types are missing from GLFW.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
// (minor and older changes stripped away, please see git history for details)
// 2018-06-29: Inputs: Added support for the ImGuiMouseCursor_Hand cursor.
// 2018-06-08: Misc: Extracted imgui_impl_glfw.cpp/.h away from the old combined GLFW+OpenGL/Vulkan examples.
// 2018-03-20: Misc: Setup io.BackendFlags ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors flag + honor ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange flag.
// 2018-02-20: Inputs: Added support for mouse cursors (ImGui::GetMouseCursor() value, passed to glfwSetCursor()).
// 2018-02-06: Misc: Removed call to ImGui::Shutdown() which is not available from 1.60 WIP, user needs to call CreateContext/DestroyContext themselves.
// 2018-02-06: Inputs: Added mapping for ImGuiKey_Space.
// 2018-01-25: Inputs: Added gamepad support if ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad is set.
// 2018-01-25: Inputs: Honoring the io.WantSetMousePos by repositioning the mouse (when using navigation and ImGuiConfigFlags_NavMoveMouse is set).
// 2018-01-20: Inputs: Added Horizontal Mouse Wheel support.
// 2018-01-18: Inputs: Added mapping for ImGuiKey_Insert.
// 2017-08-25: Inputs: MousePos set to -FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX when mouse is unavailable/missing (instead of -1,-1).
// 2016-10-15: Misc: Added a void* user_data parameter to Clipboard function handlers.
# include "imgui.h"
# include "imgui_impl_glfw.h"
# include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
# ifdef _WIN32
# undef APIENTRY
# include <GLFW/glfw3native.h> // for glfwGetWin32Window
# endif
# define GLFW_HAS_WINDOW_ALPHA (GLFW_VERSION_MAJOR * 1000 + GLFW_VERSION_MINOR * 100 >= 3300) // 3.3+ glfwSetWindowOpacity
# define GLFW_HAS_PER_MONITOR_DPI (GLFW_VERSION_MAJOR * 1000 + GLFW_VERSION_MINOR * 100 >= 3300) // 3.3+ glfwGetMonitorContentScale
# define GLFW_HAS_VULKAN (GLFW_VERSION_MAJOR * 1000 + GLFW_VERSION_MINOR * 100 >= 3200) // 3.2+ glfwCreateWindowSurface
// Data
enum GlfwClientApi
GlfwClientApi_Unknown ,
GlfwClientApi_OpenGL ,
} ;
static GLFWwindow * g_Window = NULL ;
static GlfwClientApi g_ClientApi = GlfwClientApi_Unknown ;
static double g_Time = 0.0 ;
static bool g_MouseJustPressed [ 5 ] = { false , false , false , false , false } ;
static GLFWcursor * g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT ] = { 0 } ;
static const char * ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetClipboardText ( void * user_data )
return glfwGetClipboardString ( ( GLFWwindow * ) user_data ) ;
static void ImGui_ImplGlfw_SetClipboardText ( void * user_data , const char * text )
glfwSetClipboardString ( ( GLFWwindow * ) user_data , text ) ;
void ImGui_ImplGlfw_MouseButtonCallback ( GLFWwindow * , int button , int action , int /*mods*/ )
if ( action = = GLFW_PRESS & & button > = 0 & & button < IM_ARRAYSIZE ( g_MouseJustPressed ) )
g_MouseJustPressed [ button ] = true ;
void ImGui_ImplGlfw_ScrollCallback ( GLFWwindow * , double xoffset , double yoffset )
ImGuiIO & io = ImGui : : GetIO ( ) ;
io . MouseWheelH + = ( float ) xoffset ;
io . MouseWheel + = ( float ) yoffset ;
void ImGui_ImplGlfw_KeyCallback ( GLFWwindow * , int key , int , int action , int mods )
ImGuiIO & io = ImGui : : GetIO ( ) ;
if ( action = = GLFW_PRESS )
io . KeysDown [ key ] = true ;
if ( action = = GLFW_RELEASE )
io . KeysDown [ key ] = false ;
( void ) mods ; // Modifiers are not reliable across systems
io . KeyCtrl = io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL ] | | io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL ] ;
io . KeyShift = io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT ] | | io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT ] ;
io . KeyAlt = io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT ] | | io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT ] ;
io . KeySuper = io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER ] | | io . KeysDown [ GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER ] ;
void ImGui_ImplGlfw_CharCallback ( GLFWwindow * , unsigned int c )
ImGuiIO & io = ImGui : : GetIO ( ) ;
if ( c > 0 & & c < 0x10000 )
io . AddInputCharacter ( ( unsigned short ) c ) ;
void ImGui_ImplGlfw_InstallCallbacks ( GLFWwindow * window )
glfwSetMouseButtonCallback ( window , ImGui_ImplGlfw_MouseButtonCallback ) ;
glfwSetScrollCallback ( window , ImGui_ImplGlfw_ScrollCallback ) ;
glfwSetKeyCallback ( window , ImGui_ImplGlfw_KeyCallback ) ;
glfwSetCharCallback ( window , ImGui_ImplGlfw_CharCallback ) ;
static bool ImGui_ImplGlfw_Init ( GLFWwindow * window , bool install_callbacks , GlfwClientApi client_api )
g_Window = window ;
g_Time = 0.0 ;
// Setup back-end capabilities flags
ImGuiIO & io = ImGui : : GetIO ( ) ;
io . BackendFlags | = ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors ; // We can honor GetMouseCursor() values (optional)
io . BackendFlags | = ImGuiBackendFlags_HasSetMousePos ; // We can honor io.WantSetMousePos requests (optional, rarely used)
// Keyboard mapping. ImGui will use those indices to peek into the io.KeysDown[] array.
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Tab ] = GLFW_KEY_TAB ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_LeftArrow ] = GLFW_KEY_LEFT ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_RightArrow ] = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_UpArrow ] = GLFW_KEY_UP ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_DownArrow ] = GLFW_KEY_DOWN ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_PageUp ] = GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_PageDown ] = GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Home ] = GLFW_KEY_HOME ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_End ] = GLFW_KEY_END ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Insert ] = GLFW_KEY_INSERT ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Delete ] = GLFW_KEY_DELETE ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Backspace ] = GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Space ] = GLFW_KEY_SPACE ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Enter ] = GLFW_KEY_ENTER ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Escape ] = GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_A ] = GLFW_KEY_A ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_C ] = GLFW_KEY_C ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_V ] = GLFW_KEY_V ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_X ] = GLFW_KEY_X ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Y ] = GLFW_KEY_Y ;
io . KeyMap [ ImGuiKey_Z ] = GLFW_KEY_Z ;
io . SetClipboardTextFn = ImGui_ImplGlfw_SetClipboardText ;
io . GetClipboardTextFn = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetClipboardText ;
io . ClipboardUserData = g_Window ;
# if defined(_WIN32)
io . ImeWindowHandle = ( void * ) glfwGetWin32Window ( g_Window ) ;
# endif
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_ARROW_CURSOR ) ;
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_IBEAM_CURSOR ) ;
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_ARROW_CURSOR ) ; // FIXME: GLFW doesn't have this.
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_VRESIZE_CURSOR ) ;
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_HRESIZE_CURSOR ) ;
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_ARROW_CURSOR ) ; // FIXME: GLFW doesn't have this.
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_ARROW_CURSOR ) ; // FIXME: GLFW doesn't have this.
g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_Hand ] = glfwCreateStandardCursor ( GLFW_HAND_CURSOR ) ;
if ( install_callbacks )
ImGui_ImplGlfw_InstallCallbacks ( window ) ;
g_ClientApi = client_api ;
return true ;
bool ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForOpenGL ( GLFWwindow * window , bool install_callbacks )
return ImGui_ImplGlfw_Init ( window , install_callbacks , GlfwClientApi_OpenGL ) ;
bool ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForVulkan ( GLFWwindow * window , bool install_callbacks )
return ImGui_ImplGlfw_Init ( window , install_callbacks , GlfwClientApi_Vulkan ) ;
void ImGui_ImplGlfw_Shutdown ( )
for ( ImGuiMouseCursor cursor_n = 0 ; cursor_n < ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT ; cursor_n + + )
glfwDestroyCursor ( g_MouseCursors [ cursor_n ] ) ;
g_MouseCursors [ cursor_n ] = NULL ;
g_ClientApi = GlfwClientApi_Unknown ;
static void ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateMousePosAndButtons ( )
// Update buttons
ImGuiIO & io = ImGui : : GetIO ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < IM_ARRAYSIZE ( io . MouseDown ) ; i + + )
// If a mouse press event came, always pass it as "mouse held this frame", so we don't miss click-release events that are shorter than 1 frame.
io . MouseDown [ i ] = g_MouseJustPressed [ i ] | | glfwGetMouseButton ( g_Window , i ) ! = 0 ;
g_MouseJustPressed [ i ] = false ;
// Update mouse position
const ImVec2 mouse_pos_backup = io . MousePos ;
io . MousePos = ImVec2 ( - FLT_MAX , - FLT_MAX ) ;
if ( glfwGetWindowAttrib ( g_Window , GLFW_FOCUSED ) )
if ( io . WantSetMousePos )
glfwSetCursorPos ( g_Window , ( double ) mouse_pos_backup . x , ( double ) mouse_pos_backup . y ) ;
double mouse_x , mouse_y ;
glfwGetCursorPos ( g_Window , & mouse_x , & mouse_y ) ;
io . MousePos = ImVec2 ( ( float ) mouse_x , ( float ) mouse_y ) ;
static void ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseCursor ( )
ImGuiIO & io = ImGui : : GetIO ( ) ;
if ( ( io . ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange ) | | glfwGetInputMode ( g_Window , GLFW_CURSOR ) = = GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED )
return ;
ImGuiMouseCursor imgui_cursor = ImGui : : GetMouseCursor ( ) ;
if ( imgui_cursor = = ImGuiMouseCursor_None | | io . MouseDrawCursor )
// Hide OS mouse cursor if imgui is drawing it or if it wants no cursor
glfwSetInputMode ( g_Window , GLFW_CURSOR , GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN ) ;
// Show OS mouse cursor
// FIXME-PLATFORM: Unfocused windows seems to fail changing the mouse cursor with GLFW 3.2, but 3.3 works here.
glfwSetCursor ( g_Window , g_MouseCursors [ imgui_cursor ] ? g_MouseCursors [ imgui_cursor ] : g_MouseCursors [ ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow ] ) ;
glfwSetInputMode ( g_Window , GLFW_CURSOR , GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL ) ;
void ImGui_ImplGlfw_NewFrame ( )
ImGuiIO & io = ImGui : : GetIO ( ) ;
IM_ASSERT ( io . Fonts - > IsBuilt ( ) ) ; // Font atlas needs to be built, call renderer _NewFrame() function e.g. ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame()
// Setup display size
int w , h ;
int display_w , display_h ;
glfwGetWindowSize ( g_Window , & w , & h ) ;
glfwGetFramebufferSize ( g_Window , & display_w , & display_h ) ;
io . DisplaySize = ImVec2 ( ( float ) w , ( float ) h ) ;
io . DisplayFramebufferScale = ImVec2 ( w > 0 ? ( ( float ) display_w / w ) : 0 , h > 0 ? ( ( float ) display_h / h ) : 0 ) ;
// Setup time step
double current_time = glfwGetTime ( ) ;
io . DeltaTime = g_Time > 0.0 ? ( float ) ( current_time - g_Time ) : ( float ) ( 1.0f / 60.0f ) ;
g_Time = current_time ;
ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateMousePosAndButtons ( ) ;
ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseCursor ( ) ;
// Gamepad navigation mapping [BETA]
memset ( io . NavInputs , 0 , sizeof ( io . NavInputs ) ) ;
if ( io . ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad )
// Update gamepad inputs
# define MAP_BUTTON(NAV_NO, BUTTON_NO) { if (buttons_count > BUTTON_NO && buttons[BUTTON_NO] == GLFW_PRESS) io.NavInputs[NAV_NO] = 1.0f; }
# define MAP_ANALOG(NAV_NO, AXIS_NO, V0, V1) { float v = (axes_count > AXIS_NO) ? axes[AXIS_NO] : V0; v = (v - V0) / (V1 - V0); if (v > 1.0f) v = 1.0f; if (io.NavInputs[NAV_NO] < v) io.NavInputs[NAV_NO] = v; }
int axes_count = 0 , buttons_count = 0 ;
const float * axes = glfwGetJoystickAxes ( GLFW_JOYSTICK_1 , & axes_count ) ;
const unsigned char * buttons = glfwGetJoystickButtons ( GLFW_JOYSTICK_1 , & buttons_count ) ;
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_Activate , 0 ) ; // Cross / A
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_Cancel , 1 ) ; // Circle / B
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_Menu , 2 ) ; // Square / X
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_Input , 3 ) ; // Triangle / Y
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_DpadLeft , 13 ) ; // D-Pad Left
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_DpadRight , 11 ) ; // D-Pad Right
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_DpadUp , 10 ) ; // D-Pad Up
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_DpadDown , 12 ) ; // D-Pad Down
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_FocusPrev , 4 ) ; // L1 / LB
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_FocusNext , 5 ) ; // R1 / RB
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_TweakSlow , 4 ) ; // L1 / LB
MAP_BUTTON ( ImGuiNavInput_TweakFast , 5 ) ; // R1 / RB
MAP_ANALOG ( ImGuiNavInput_LStickLeft , 0 , - 0.3f , - 0.9f ) ;
MAP_ANALOG ( ImGuiNavInput_LStickRight , 0 , + 0.3f , + 0.9f ) ;
MAP_ANALOG ( ImGuiNavInput_LStickUp , 1 , + 0.3f , + 0.9f ) ;
MAP_ANALOG ( ImGuiNavInput_LStickDown , 1 , - 0.3f , - 0.9f ) ;
# undef MAP_BUTTON
# undef MAP_ANALOG
if ( axes_count > 0 & & buttons_count > 0 )
io . BackendFlags | = ImGuiBackendFlags_HasGamepad ;
io . BackendFlags & = ~ ImGuiBackendFlags_HasGamepad ;