// This needs to be used along with a Platform Binding (e.g. GLFW, SDL, Win32, custom..)
// (Note: We are using GL3W as a helper library to access OpenGL functions since there is no standard header to access modern OpenGL functions easily. Alternatives are GLEW, Glad, etc..)
// (minor and older changes stripped away, please see git history for details)
// 2018-06-08: Misc: Extracted imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp/.h away from the old combined GLFW/SDL+OpenGL3 examples.
// 2018-06-08: OpenGL: Use draw_data->DisplayPos and draw_data->DisplaySize to setup projection matrix and clipping rectangle.
// 2018-05-25: OpenGL: Removed unnecessary backup/restore of GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING since this is part of the VAO state.
// 2018-05-14: OpenGL: Making the call to glBindSampler() optional so 3.2 context won't fail if the function is a NULL pointer.
// 2018-03-06: OpenGL: Added const char* glsl_version parameter to ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init() so user can override the GLSL version e.g. "#version 150".
// 2018-02-23: OpenGL: Create the VAO in the render function so the setup can more easily be used with multiple shared GL context.
// 2018-02-16: Misc: Obsoleted the io.RenderDrawListsFn callback and exposed ImGui_ImplSdlGL3_RenderDrawData() in the .h file so you can call it yourself.
// 2018-01-07: OpenGL: Changed GLSL shader version from 330 to 150.
// 2017-09-01: OpenGL: Save and restore current bound sampler. Save and restore current polygon mode.
// 2017-05-01: OpenGL: Fixed save and restore of current blend func state.
// 2017-05-01: OpenGL: Fixed save and restore of current GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE.
// 2016-09-05: OpenGL: Fixed save and restore of current scissor rectangle.
// 2016-07-29: OpenGL: Explicitly setting GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH to reduce issues because SDL changes it. (#752)
#include<GL/gl3w.h> // This example is using gl3w to access OpenGL functions (because it is small). You may use glew/glad/glLoadGen/etc. whatever already works for you.
// Store GLSL version string so we can refer to it later in case we recreate shaders. Note: GLSL version is NOT the same as GL version. Leave this to NULL if unsure.
// (this used to be set in io.RenderDrawListsFn and called by ImGui::Render(), but you can now call this directly from your main loop)
// Note that this implementation is little overcomplicated because we are saving/setting up/restoring every OpenGL state explicitly, in order to be able to run within any OpenGL engine that doesn't do so.
// Setup render state: alpha-blending enabled, no face culling, no depth testing, scissor enabled, polygon fill
// Setup viewport, orthographic projection matrix
// Our visible imgui space lies from draw_data->DisplayPps (top left) to draw_data->DisplayPos+data_data->DisplaySize (bottom right). DisplayMin is typically (0,0) for single viewport apps.
if(glBindSampler)glBindSampler(0,0);// We use combined texture/sampler state. Applications using GL 3.3 may set that otherwise.
// Recreate the VAO every time
// (This is to easily allow multiple GL contexts. VAO are not shared among GL contexts, and we don't track creation/deletion of windows so we don't have an obvious key to use to cache them.)
io.Fonts->GetTexDataAsRGBA32(&pixels,&width,&height);// Load as RGBA 32-bits (75% of the memory is wasted, but default font is so small) because it is more likely to be compatible with user's existing shaders. If your ImTextureId represent a higher-level concept than just a GL texture id, consider calling GetTexDataAsAlpha8() instead to save on GPU memory.