@ -7871,8 +7871,9 @@ bool ImGui::Combo(const char* label, int* current_item, bool (*items_getter)(voi
if ( height_in_items < 0 )
height_in_items = 7 ;
const float popup_height = ( label_size . y + style . ItemSpacing . y ) * ImMin ( items_count , height_in_items ) + ( style . FramePadding . y * 3 ) ;
const ImRect popup_rect ( ImVec2 ( frame_bb . Min . x , frame_bb . Max . y ) , ImVec2 ( frame_bb . Max . x , frame_bb . Max . y + popup_height ) ) ;
float popup_height = ( label_size . y + style . ItemSpacing . y ) * ImMin ( items_count , height_in_items ) + ( style . FramePadding . y * 3 ) ;
ImRect popup_rect ( ImVec2 ( frame_bb . Min . x , frame_bb . Max . y ) , ImVec2 ( frame_bb . Max . x , frame_bb . Max . y + popup_height ) ) ;
popup_rect . Max . y = ImMin ( popup_rect . Max . y , g . IO . DisplaySize . y - style . DisplaySafeAreaPadding . y ) ; // Adhoc height limit for Combo. Ideally should be handled in Begin() along with other popups size, we want to have the possibility of moving the popup above as well.
ImGui : : SetNextWindowPos ( popup_rect . Min ) ;
ImGui : : SetNextWindowSize ( popup_rect . GetSize ( ) ) ;
ImGui : : PushStyleVar ( ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding , style . FramePadding ) ;