ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingInCentralNode=1<<2,// Shared // Disable docking inside the Central Node, which will be always kept empty.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode=1<<3,// Shared // Enable passthru dockspace: 1) DockSpace() will render a ImGuiCol_WindowBg background covering everything excepted the Central Node when empty. Meaning the host window should probably use SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f) prior to Begin() when using this. 2) When Central Node is empty: let inputs pass-through + won't display a DockingEmptyBg background. See demo for details.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoSplit=1<<4,// Shared/Local // Disable splitting the node into smaller nodes. Useful e.g. when embedding dockspaces into a main root one (the root one may have splitting disabled to reduce confusion). Note: when turned off, existing splits will be preserved.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoResize=1<<5,// Shared/Local // Disable resizing child nodes using the splitter/separators. Useful with programatically setup dockspaces.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoResize=1<<5,// Shared/Local // Disable resizing node using the splitter/separators. Useful with programatically setup dockspaces.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_AutoHideTabBar=1<<6// Shared/Local // Tab bar will automatically hide when there is a single window in the dock node.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_LocalFlagsTransferMask_=ImGuiDockNodeFlags_LocalFlagsMask_&~ImGuiDockNodeFlags_DockSpace,// When splitting those flags are moved to the inheriting child, never duplicated