Double-click on resize grip doesn't need to test HoveredWindow (as button has the flattenchild flag anyway) + double-click on title bar verify that we don't have overlapping items to allow contents in title bar. + Comments
// We don't use a regular button+id to test for double-click on title bar (mostly due to legacy reason, could be fixed), so verify that we don't have items over the title bar.
floatWindowRounding;// Window rounding at the time of begin.
floatWindowBorderSize;// Window border size at the time of begin.
ImGuiIDMoveId;// == window->GetID("#MOVE")
ImGuiIDChildId;// Id of corresponding item in parent window (for child windows)
ImGuiIDChildId;// ID of corresponding item in parent window (for navigation to return from child window to parent window)
ImVec2ScrollTarget;// target scroll position. stored as cursor position with scrolling canceled out, so the highest point is always 0.0f. (FLT_MAX for no change)
ImVec2ScrollTargetCenterRatio;// 0.0f = scroll so that target position is at top, 0.5f = scroll so that target position is centered