// Draw List API (ImDrawCallback, ImDrawCmd, ImDrawIdx, ImDrawVert, ImDrawChannel, ImDrawListSplitter, ImDrawListFlags, ImDrawList, ImDrawData)
@ -887,21 +887,6 @@ enum ImGuiTabItemFlags_
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoPushId=1<<3// Don't call PushID(tab->ID)/PopID() on BeginTabItem()/EndTabItem()
// Flags for ImGui::DockSpace(), shared/inherited by child nodes.
// (Some flags can be applied to individual nodes directly)
// FIXME-DOCK: Also see ImGuiDockNodeFlagsPrivate_ which may involve using the WIP and internal DockBuilder api.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_KeepAliveOnly=1<<0,// Shared // Don't display the dockspace node but keep it alive. Windows docked into this dockspace node won't be undocked.
//ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoCentralNode = 1 << 1, // Shared // Disable Central Node (the node which can stay empty)
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingInCentralNode=1<<2,// Shared // Disable docking inside the Central Node, which will be always kept empty.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode=1<<3,// Shared // Enable passthru dockspace: 1) DockSpace() will render a ImGuiCol_WindowBg background covering everything excepted the Central Node when empty. Meaning the host window should probably use SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f) prior to Begin() when using this. 2) When Central Node is empty: let inputs pass-through + won't display a DockingEmptyBg background. See demo for details.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoSplit=1<<4,// Shared/Local // Disable splitting the node into smaller nodes. Useful e.g. when embedding dockspaces into a main root one (the root one may have splitting disabled to reduce confusion). Note: when turned off, existing splits will be preserved.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoResize=1<<5,// Shared/Local // Disable resizing node using the splitter/separators. Useful with programatically setup dockspaces.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_AutoHideTabBar=1<<6// Shared/Local // Tab bar will automatically hide when there is a single window in the dock node.
// Flags for ImGui::DockSpace(), shared/inherited by child nodes.
// (Some flags can be applied to individual nodes directly)
// FIXME-DOCK: Also see ImGuiDockNodeFlagsPrivate_ which may involve using the WIP and internal DockBuilder api.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_KeepAliveOnly=1<<0,// Shared // Don't display the dockspace node but keep it alive. Windows docked into this dockspace node won't be undocked.
//ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoCentralNode = 1 << 1, // Shared // Disable Central Node (the node which can stay empty)
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingInCentralNode=1<<2,// Shared // Disable docking inside the Central Node, which will be always kept empty.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode=1<<3,// Shared // Enable passthru dockspace: 1) DockSpace() will render a ImGuiCol_WindowBg background covering everything excepted the Central Node when empty. Meaning the host window should probably use SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f) prior to Begin() when using this. 2) When Central Node is empty: let inputs pass-through + won't display a DockingEmptyBg background. See demo for details.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoSplit=1<<4,// Shared/Local // Disable splitting the node into smaller nodes. Useful e.g. when embedding dockspaces into a main root one (the root one may have splitting disabled to reduce confusion). Note: when turned off, existing splits will be preserved.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoResize=1<<5,// Shared/Local // Disable resizing node using the splitter/separators. Useful with programatically setup dockspaces.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_AutoHideTabBar=1<<6// Shared/Local // Tab bar will automatically hide when there is a single window in the dock node.
// Flags for ImGui::BeginDragDropSource(), ImGui::AcceptDragDropPayload()
ImVec2DesiredSize;// Read-write. Desired size, based on user's mouse position. Write to this field to restrain resizing.
// [BETA] Rarely used / very advanced uses only. Use with SetNextWindowClass() and DockSpace() functions.
// Provide hints to the platform back-end via altered viewport flags (enable/disable OS decoration, OS task bar icons, etc.) and OS level parent/child relationships.
ImGuiIDClassId;// User data. 0 = Default class (unclassed)
ImGuiIDParentViewportId;// Hint for the platform back-end. If non-zero, the platform back-end can create a parent<>child relationship between the platform windows. Not conforming back-ends are free to e.g. parent every viewport to the main viewport or not.
ImGuiViewportFlagsViewportFlagsOverrideMask;// Viewport flags to override when a window of this class owns a viewport. This allows you to enforce OS decoration or task bar icon, override the defaults on a per-window basis.
ImGuiViewportFlagsViewportFlagsOverrideValue;// Viewport flags values to override when a window of this class owns a viewport.
boolDockingAlwaysTabBar;// Set to true to enforce windows of this class always having their own tab (equivalent of setting the global io.ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar)
boolDockingAllowUnclassed;// Set to true to allow windows of this class to be docked/merged with an unclassed window.
// Data payload for Drag and Drop operations: AcceptDragDropPayload(), GetDragDropPayload()
@ -1604,20 +1618,6 @@ struct ImGuiPayload
// [BETA] Rarely used / very advanced uses only. Use with SetNextWindowClass() and DockSpace() functions.
// Provide hints to the platform back-end via altered viewport flags (enable/disable OS decoration, OS task bar icons, etc.) and OS level parent/child relationships.
ImGuiIDClassId;// User data. 0 = Default class (unclassed)
ImGuiIDParentViewportId;// Hint for the platform back-end. If non-zero, the platform back-end can create a parent<>child relationship between the platform windows. Not conforming back-ends are free to e.g. parent every viewport to the main viewport or not.
ImGuiViewportFlagsViewportFlagsOverrideMask;// Viewport flags to override when a window of this class owns a viewport. This allows you to enforce OS decoration or task bar icon, override the defaults on a per-window basis.
ImGuiViewportFlagsViewportFlagsOverrideValue;// Viewport flags values to override when a window of this class owns a viewport.
boolDockingAlwaysTabBar;// Set to true to enforce windows of this class always having their own tab (equivalent of setting the global io.ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar)
boolDockingAllowUnclassed;// Set to true to allow windows of this class to be docked/merged with an unclassed window.