- ImFontConfig: Added GlyphMinAdvanceX/GlyphMaxAdvanceX settings useful to make a font appears monospaced, particularly useful for icon fonts. (#1869)
- ImFontAtlas: Added GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon() helper that returns a list of ~2500 most common Simplified Chinese characters. (#1859) [@JX-Master, @ocornut]
- Examples: GLFW: Made it possible to Shutdown/Init the backend again (by reseting the time storage properly). (#1827) [@ice1000]
- Examples: Win32: Fixed handling of mouse wheel messages to support finer position messages (typically sent by track-pads). (#1874) [zx64]
- Examples: Allegro5: Added support for ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange flag.
- Misc: Updated stb_textedit from 1.09 + patches to 1.12 + minor patches.
- Internals: PushItemFlag() flags are inherited by BeginChild().