Viewport, Platform: Using Platform_GetWindowFocus to provide a much stronger heuristic of platform z-order, in replacement for when the back-end cannot provide io.MouseHoveredViewport. The pressure for it to work well increased with the use of viewports by popups/menus. (#1542)
@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- viewport: platform: introduce getfocus/setfocus api, so e.g. focus flags can be honored, imgui-side ctrl-tab can focus os window, OS alt-tab can focus imgui window etc.
- viewport: store per-viewport/monitor DPI in .ini file so an application reload or main window changing DPI on reload can be properly patched for.
- viewport: vulkan renderer implementation.
- viewport: fallback calculation of hovered window is very currently wrong without ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport. typically affect half-overlapping viewported menus.
- viewport: need to clarify how to use GetMousePos() from a user point of view.
- inputs: we need an explicit flag about whether the imgui window is focused, to be able to distinguish focused key releases vs alt-tabbing all release behaviors.
// Even without focus, we assume the window becomes front-most. This is used by our platform z-order heuristic when io.MouseHoveredViewport is not available.
floatMouseWheel;// Mouse wheel Vertical: 1 unit scrolls about 5 lines text.
floatMouseWheelH;// Mouse wheel Horizontal. Most users don't have a mouse with an horizontal wheel, may not be filled by all back-ends.
ImGuiIDMousePosViewport;// (Optional) When using multiple viewports: viewport from which io.MousePos is based from (when dragging this is generally the captured/focused viewport, even though we can drag outside of it and then it's not hovered anymore). (0 == default viewport)
ImGuiIDMouseHoveredViewport;// (Optional) When using multiple viewports: viewport the OS mouse cursor is hovering. (0 == default viewport) _IGNORING_ viewports with the ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport flag, and _REGARDLESS_ of whether another viewport is focused. Set io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport if you can provide this information.
ImGuiIDMouseHoveredViewport;// (Optional) When using multiple viewports: viewport the OS mouse cursor is hovering _IGNORING_ viewports with the ImGuiViewportFlags_NoInputs flag, and _REGARDLESS_ of whether another viewport is focused. Set io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport if you can provide this info. If you don't imgui will use a decent heuristic instead.
boolMouseDrawCursor;// Request ImGui to draw a mouse cursor for you (if you are on a platform without a mouse cursor).
@ -511,8 +511,8 @@ struct ImGuiViewportP : public ImGuiViewport
intLastFrameActive;// Last frame number this viewport was activated by a window
intLastFrameAsRefViewport;// Last frame number this viewport was io.MouseViewportRef
intLastFrontMostStampCount;// Last stamp number from when a window hosted by this viewport was made front-most (by comparing this value between two viewport we have an implicit viewport z-order
floatAlpha;// Window opacity (when dragging dockable windows/viewports we make them transparent)
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ struct ImGuiViewportP : public ImGuiViewport