@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- tooltip: tooltips with delay timers? or general timer policy? (instantaneous vs timed): IsItemHovered() with timer + implicit aabb-id for items with no ID. (#1485)
- tooltip: drag tooltip hovering over source widget with IsItemHovered/SetTooltip flickers.
- menus: calling BeginMenu() twice with a same name doesn't append as Begin() does for regular windows (#1207)
- menus: menu bars inside modal windows are acting weird.
- status-bar: add a per-window status bar helper similar to what menu-bar does.
- shortcuts: local-style shortcut api, e.g. parse "&Save"
// Sub-menus are ChildWindow so that mouse can be hovering across them (otherwise top-most popup menu would steal focus and not allow hovering on parent menu)
// Sub-menus are ChildWindow so that mouse can be hovering across them (otherwise top-most popup menu would steal focus and not allow hovering on parent menu)