ImVec2ActiveIdClickOffset;// Clicked offset from upper-left corner, if applicable (currently only set by ButtonBehavior)
ImGuiInputSourceActiveIdSource;// Activating with mouse or nav (gamepad/keyboard)
ImGuiIDLastActiveId;// Store the last non-zero ActiveId, useful for animation.
floatLastActiveIdTimer;// Store the last non-zero ActiveId timer since the beginning of activation, useful for animation.
ImGuiWindow*MovingWindow;// Track the window we clicked on (in order to preserve focus). The actually window that is moved is generally MovingWindow->RootWindow.
ImVector<ImGuiColMod>ColorModifiers;// Stack for PushStyleColor()/PopStyleColor()
ImVector<ImGuiStyleMod>StyleModifiers;// Stack for PushStyleVar()/PopStyleVar()