ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody",&flags,ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody);ImGui::SameLine();HelpMarker("Disable vertical borders in columns Body (borders will always appears in Headers");
ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody",&flags,ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody);ImGui::SameLine();HelpMarker("Disable vertical borders in columns Body (borders will always appears in Headers");
ImGui::SameLine();HelpMarker("Using the _Resizable flag automatically enables the _BordersInnerV flag as well.");
ImGui::SameLine();HelpMarker("Using the _Resizable flag automatically enables the _BordersInnerV flag as well, this is why the resize borders are still showing when unchecking this.");
HelpMarker("This section allows you to interact and see the effect of various sizing policies depending on whether Scroll is enabled and the contents of your columns.");
// This is in contrast with some user-facing api such as IsItemVisible() / IsRectVisible() which use "Visible" to mean "not clipped".
ImRectClipRect;// Clipping rectangle for the column
ImGuiIDUserID;// Optional, value passed to TableSetupColumn()
ImGuiTableColumnFlagsFlags;// Flags after some patching (not directly same as provided by user). See ImGuiTableColumnFlags_
floatWidthGiven;// Final/actual width visible == (MaxX - MinX), locked in TableUpdateLayout(). May be > WidthRequest to honor minimum width, may be < WidthRequest to honor shrinking columns down in tight space.
floatMinX;// Absolute positions
floatInitStretchWeightOrWidth;// Value passed to TableSetupColumn(). For Width it is a content width (_without padding_).
floatStretchWeight;// Master width weight when (Flags & _WidthStretch). Often around ~1.0f initially.
floatWidthAuto;// Automatic width
floatWidthRequest;// Master width absolute value when !(Flags & _WidthStretch). When Stretch this is derived every frame from StretchWeight in TableUpdateLayout()
floatWidthGiven;// Final/actual width visible == (MaxX - MinX), locked in TableUpdateLayout(). May be > WidthRequest to honor minimum width, may be < WidthRequest to honor shrinking columns down in tight space.
floatWorkMinX;// Start position for the frame, currently ~(MinX + CellPaddingX)
floatWidthAuto;// Automatic width
floatStretchWeight;// Master width weight when (Flags & _WidthStretch). Often around ~1.0f initially.
floatInitStretchWeightOrWidth;// Value passed to TableSetupColumn(). For Width it is a content width (_without padding_).
ImRectClipRect;// Clipping rectangle for the column
ImGuiIDUserID;// Optional, value passed to TableSetupColumn()
floatWorkMinX;// Contents region min ~(MinX + CellPaddingX + CellSpacingX1) == cursor start position when entering column
floatWorkMaxX;// Contents region max ~(MaxX - CellPaddingX - CellSpacingX2)
floatItemWidth;// Current item width for the column, preserved across rows
floatContentMaxXFrozen;// Contents maximum position for frozen rows (apart from headers), from which we can infer content width.
floatContentMaxXHeadersUsed;// Contents maximum position for headers rows (regardless of freezing). TableHeader() automatically softclip itself + report ideal desired size, to avoid creating extraneous draw calls
// [Part 3] Fix column flags. Count how many fixed/stretch columns we have and sum of weights.
intcount_fixed=0;// Number of columns that have fixed sizing policy (not stretched sizing policy) (this is NOT the opposite of count_resizable!)
intcount_resizable=0;// Number of columns the user can resize (this is NOT the opposite of count_fixed!)
floatsum_width_requests=0.0f;// Sum of all width for fixed and auto-resize columns, excluding width contributed by Stretch columns but including spacing/padding.
floatmax_width_auto=0.0f;// Largest auto-width (used for SameWidths feature)
floatstretch_sum_weights=0.0f;// Sum of all weights for stretch columns.
IM_ASSERT(table!=NULL&&"Need to call TableHeadersRow() after BeginTable()!");
// Layout if not already done (this is automatically done by TableNextRow, we do it here solely to facilitate stepping in debugger as it is frequent to step in TableUpdateLayout)