@ -129,8 +129,14 @@ int main(int, char**)
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , display_w , display_h ) ;
glClearColor ( clear_color . x , clear_color . y , clear_color . z , clear_color . w ) ;
//glUseProgram(0); // You may want this if using this code in an OpenGL 3+ context where shaders may be bound, but prefer using the GL3+ code.
// If you are using this code with non-legacy OpenGL header/contexts (which you should not, prefer using imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp!!),
// you may need to backup/reset/restore current shader using the commented lines below.
//GLint last_program;
//glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &last_program);
ImGui_ImplOpenGL2_RenderDrawData ( ImGui : : GetDrawData ( ) ) ;
glfwMakeContextCurrent ( window ) ;
glfwSwapBuffers ( window ) ;