OSX: Disabled default native Mac clipboard copy/paste implementation in core library (added in 1.71), because it needs application to be linked with '-framework ApplicationServices'. It can be explicitly enabled back by using '#define IMGUI_ENABLE_OSX_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS' in imconfig.h. Re-added equivalent using NSPasteboard api in the imgui_impl_osx.mm experimental back-end. (#2546)
// We don't set the io.SetClipboardTextFn/io.GetClipboardTextFn handlers,
// Note that imgui.cpp also include default OSX clipboard handlers which can be enabled
// because imgui.cpp has a default for them that works with OSX.
// by adding '#define IMGUI_ENABLE_OSX_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS' in imconfig.h and adding '-framework ApplicationServices' to your linker command-line.
// Since we are already in ObjC land here, it is easy for us to add a clipboard handler using the NSPasteboard api.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Don't implement default clipboard handler. Won't use and link with OpenClipboard/GetClipboardData/CloseClipboard etc.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Don't implement default clipboard handler. Won't use and link with OpenClipboard/GetClipboardData/CloseClipboard etc.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_IME_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Don't implement default IME handler. Won't use and link with ImmGetContext/ImmSetCompositionWindow.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_IME_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Don't implement default IME handler. Won't use and link with ImmGetContext/ImmSetCompositionWindow.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Won't use and link with any Win32 function (clipboard, ime).
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Won't use and link with any Win32 function (clipboard, ime).
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_OSX_FUNCTIONS // [OSX] Won't use and link with any OSX function (clipboard).
//#define IMGUI_ENABLE_OSX_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [OSX] Implement default OSX clipboard handler (need to link with '-framework ApplicationServices').
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_FORMAT_STRING_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFormatString/ImFormatStringV so you can implement them yourself if you don't want to link with vsnprintf.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_FORMAT_STRING_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFormatString/ImFormatStringV so you can implement them yourself if you don't want to link with vsnprintf.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFabs/ImSqrt/ImPow/ImFmod/ImCos/ImSin/ImAcos/ImAtan2 wrapper so you can implement them yourself. Declare your prototypes in imconfig.h.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFabs/ImSqrt/ImPow/ImFmod/ImCos/ImSin/ImAcos/ImAtan2 wrapper so you can implement them yourself. Declare your prototypes in imconfig.h.
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATORS // Don't implement default allocators calling malloc()/free() to avoid linking with them. You will need to call ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions().
//#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATORS // Don't implement default allocators calling malloc()/free() to avoid linking with them. You will need to call ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions().