// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'ALLEGRO_BITMAP*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'ALLEGRO_BITMAP*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'ID3D10ShaderResourceView*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'ID3D10ShaderResourceView*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'ID3D11ShaderResourceView*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'ID3D11ShaderResourceView*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'CIwTexture*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store a 'CIwTexture*' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ typedef union SDL_Event SDL_Event;
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// In this binding, ImTextureID is used to store an OpenGL 'GLuint' texture identifier. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp.
// You can copy and use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See main.cpp for an example of using this.
// If you use this binding you'll need to call 4 functions: ImGui_ImplXXXX_Init(), ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame(), ImGui::Render() and ImGui_ImplXXXX_Shutdown().
// If you are new to ImGui, see examples/README.txt and documentation at the top of imgui.cpp.
// Store operand in a float so we can use fractional value for multipliers (*1.1), but constant always parsed as integer so we can fit big integers (e.g. 2000000003) past float precision
if(op=='+'){if(sscanf(buf,"%f",&op_v)==1)*v=(int)(ref_v+op_v);}// Add (use "+-" to subtract)
popup_rect.Max.y=ImMin(popup_rect.Max.y,g.IO.DisplaySize.y-style.DisplaySafeAreaPadding.y);// Adhoc height limit for Combo. Ideally should be handled in Begin() along with other popups size, we want to have the possibility of moving the popup above as well.
// Position our combo ABOVE because there's more space to fit! (FIXME: Handle in Begin() or use a shared helper. We have similar code in Begin() for popup placement)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ struct ImGuiListClipper; // Helper to manually clip large list of ite
// Enumerations (declared as int for compatibility and to not pollute the top of this file)
typedefunsignedshortImWchar;// character for keyboard input/display
typedefvoid*ImTextureID;// user data to refer to a texture (e.g. store your texture handle/id)
typedefvoid*ImTextureID;// user data to identify a texture (this is whatever to you want it to be! read the FAQ about ImTextureID in imgui.cpp)
typedefImU32ImGuiID;// unique ID used by widgets (typically hashed from a stack of string)
typedefintImGuiCol;// a color identifier for styling // enum ImGuiCol_
typedefintImGuiStyleVar;// a variable identifier for styling // enum ImGuiStyleVar_
@ -103,14 +103,15 @@ namespace ImGui
// Main
IMGUI_APIImDrawData*GetDrawData();// same value as passed to your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function. valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame().
IMGUI_APIvoidRender();// finalize rendering data, then call your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function if set.
IMGUI_APIImDrawData*GetDrawData();// same value as passed to your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function. valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame()
IMGUI_APIvoidNewFrame();// start a new ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until NewFrame()/Render().
IMGUI_APIvoidEndFrame();// ends the ImGui frame. automatically called by Render()!
IMGUI_APIvoidRender();// ends the ImGui frame, finalize rendering data, then call your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function if set.
IMGUI_APIvoidShowTestWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// test window, demonstrate ImGui features
IMGUI_APIvoidShowMetricsWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// metrics window for debugging imgui
IMGUI_APIvoidShowTestWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// test window demonstrating ImGui features
IMGUI_APIvoidShowMetricsWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// metrics window for debugging ImGui
// Window
IMGUI_APIboolBegin(constchar*name,bool*p_opened=NULL,ImGuiWindowFlagsflags=0);// see .cpp for details. return false when window is collapsed, so you can early out in your code. 'bool* p_opened' creates a widget on the upper-right to close the window (which sets your bool to false).