DataTypeApplyOpFromText: renamed local variables + comments to avoid confusion about the fact that int and float paths are not totally symetrical. (#671)
// Store operand in a float so we can use fractional value for multipliers (*1.1), but constant always parsed as integer so we can fit big integers (e.g. 2000000003) past float precision
// Store operand in a float so we can use fractional value for multipliers (*1.1), but constant always parsed as integer so we can fit big integers (e.g. 2000000003) past float precision
if(op=='+'){if(sscanf(buf,"%f",&arg1)==1)*v=(int)(arg0+arg1);}// Add (use "+-" to subtract)
if(op=='+'){if(sscanf(buf,"%f",&arg1f)==1)*v=(int)(arg0i+arg1f);}// Add (use "+-" to subtract)