IMGUI_APIImDrawData*GetDrawData();// valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). this is what you have to render.
IMGUI_APIImDrawData*GetDrawData();// valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). this is what you have to render.
// Demo, Debug, Information
// Demo, Debug, Information
IMGUI_APIvoidShowDemoWindow(bool*p_open=NULL);// create demo/test window (previously called ShowTestWindow). demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application!
IMGUI_APIvoidShowDemoWindow(bool*p_open=NULL);// create Demo window (previously called ShowTestWindow). demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application!
IMGUI_APIvoidShowAboutWindow(bool*p_open=NULL);// create about window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system information.
IMGUI_APIvoidShowAboutWindow(bool*p_open=NULL);// create About window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system information.
IMGUI_APIvoidShowStyleEditor(ImGuiStyle*ref=NULL);// add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style)
IMGUI_APIvoidShowStyleEditor(ImGuiStyle*ref=NULL);// add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style)
IMGUI_APIboolShowStyleSelector(constchar*label);// add style selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the default styles.
IMGUI_APIboolShowStyleSelector(constchar*label);// add style selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the default styles.
IMGUI_APIvoidShowFontSelector(constchar*label);// add font selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the loaded fonts.
IMGUI_APIvoidShowFontSelector(constchar*label);// add font selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the loaded fonts.