boolWantSaveIniSettings;// When manual .ini load/save is active (io.IniFilename == NULL), this will be set to notify your application that you can call SaveIniSettingsToMemory() and save yourself. Important: clear io.WantSaveIniSettings yourself after saving!
boolWantSaveIniSettings;// When manual .ini load/save is active (io.IniFilename == NULL), this will be set to notify your application that you can call SaveIniSettingsToMemory() and save yourself. Important: clear io.WantSaveIniSettings yourself after saving!
boolNavActive;// Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is currently allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events) = a window is focused and it doesn't use the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs flag.
boolNavActive;// Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is currently allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events) = a window is focused and it doesn't use the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs flag.
boolNavVisible;// Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is visible and allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events).
boolNavVisible;// Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is visible and allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events).
floatFramerate;// Application framerate estimate, in frame per second. Solely for convenience. Rolling average estimation based on io.DeltaTime over 120 frames.
floatFramerate;// Rough estimate of application framerate, in frame per second. Solely for convenience. Rolling average estimation based on io.DeltaTime over 120 frames.
intMetricsRenderVertices;// Vertices output during last call to Render()
intMetricsRenderVertices;// Vertices output during last call to Render()
intMetricsRenderIndices;// Indices output during last call to Render() = number of triangles * 3
intMetricsRenderIndices;// Indices output during last call to Render() = number of triangles * 3
intMetricsRenderWindows;// Number of visible windows
intMetricsRenderWindows;// Number of visible windows