ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoDirectResize_=1<<20// [Internal] Disable user resizing this column directly (it may however we resized indirectly from its left edge)
HelpMarker("You can pass a 'min_row_height' to TableNextRow().\n\nRows are padded with 'style.CellPadding.y' on top and bottom, so effectively the minimum row height will always be >= 'style.CellPadding.y * 2.0f'.\n\nWe cannot honor a _maximum_ row height as that would requires a unique clipping rectangle per row.");
// FIXME-TABLE: This align based on the whole column width, not per-cell, and therefore isn't useful in many cases.
// (To be able to honor this we might be able to store a log of cells width, per row, for visible rows, but nav/programmatic scroll would have visible artifacts.)
// We honor min_height requested by user, but cannot guarantee per-row maximum height as that would essentially require a unique clipping rectangle per-cell.
// We honor min_row_height requested by user, but cannot guarantee per-row maximum height,
// because that would essentially require a unique clipping rectangle per-cell.