enum{TRT_OuterRect,TRT_WorkRect,TRT_HostClipRect,TRT_InnerClipRect,TRT_BackgroundClipRect,TRT_ColumnsRect,TRT_ColumnsClipRect,TRT_ColumnsContentHeadersUsed,TRT_ColumnsContentHeadersDesired,TRT_ColumnsContentRowsFrozen,TRT_ColumnsContentRowsUnfrozen,TRT_Count};// Tables Rect Type
enum{TRT_OuterRect,TRT_WorkRect,TRT_HostClipRect,TRT_InnerClipRect,TRT_BackgroundClipRect,TRT_ColumnsRect,TRT_ColumnsClipRect,TRT_ColumnsContentHeadersUsed,TRT_ColumnsContentHeadersIdeal,TRT_ColumnsContentRowsFrozen,TRT_ColumnsContentRowsUnfrozen,TRT_Count};// Tables Rect Type
ImVec2MousePos;// Mouse position, in pixels. Set to ImVec2(-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX) if mouse is unavailable (on another screen, etc.)
boolMouseDown[5];// Mouse buttons: 0=left, 1=right, 2=middle + extras. ImGui itself mostly only uses left button (BeginPopupContext** are using right button). Others buttons allows us to track if the mouse is being used by your application + available to user as a convenience via IsMouse** API.
boolMouseDown[5];// Mouse buttons: 0=left, 1=right, 2=middle + extras (ImGuiMouseButton_COUNT == 5). Dear ImGui mostly uses left and right buttons. Others buttons allows us to track if the mouse is being used by your application + available to user as a convenience via IsMouse** API.
floatMouseWheel;// Mouse wheel Vertical: 1 unit scrolls about 5 lines text.
floatMouseWheelH;// Mouse wheel Horizontal. Most users don't have a mouse with an horizontal wheel, may not be filled by all back-ends.
ImGuiIDMouseHoveredViewport;// (Optional) When using multiple viewports: viewport the OS mouse cursor is hovering _IGNORING_ viewports with the ImGuiViewportFlags_NoInputs flag, and _REGARDLESS_ of whether another viewport is focused. Set io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport if you can provide this info. If you don't imgui will infer the value using the rectangles and last focused time of the viewports it knows about (ignoring other OS windows).