// We don't use a regular button+id to test for double-click on title bar (mostly due to legacy reason, could be fixed), so verify that we don't have items over the title bar.
// We don't use a regular button+id to test for double-click on title bar (mostly due to legacy reason, could be fixed), so verify that we don't have items over the title bar.
ImVec2MousePosPrev;// Previous mouse position (note that MouseDelta is not necessary == MousePos-MousePosPrev, in case either position is invalid)
ImVec2MousePosPrev;// Previous mouse position (note that MouseDelta is not necessary == MousePos-MousePosPrev, in case either position is invalid)
ImVec2MouseClickedPos[5];// Position at time of clicking
ImVec2MouseClickedPos[5];// Position at time of clicking
doubleMouseClickedTime[5];// Time of last click (used to figure out double-click)
doubleMouseClickedTime[5];// Time of last click (used to figure out double-click)
boolMouseClicked[5];// Mouse button went from !Down to Down
boolMouseClicked[5];// Mouse button went from !Down to Down (same as MouseClickedCount[x] != 0)
charMouseMultiClickTracker[5];// Track multiple clicks over multiple frames
boolMouseDoubleClicked[5];// Has mouse button been double-clicked? (same as MouseClickedCount[x] == 2)
charMouseMultiClickCount[5];// Has mouse button been clicked multiple times in a row?
ImU16MouseClickedCount[5];// == 0 (not clicked), == 1 (same as MouseClicked[]), == 2 (double-clicked), == 3 (triple-clicked) etc. when going from !Down to Down
ImU16MouseClickedLastCount[5];// Count successive number of clicks. Stays valid after mouse release. Reset after another click is done.
boolMouseReleased[5];// Mouse button went from Down to !Down
boolMouseReleased[5];// Mouse button went from Down to !Down
boolMouseDownOwned[5];// Track if button was clicked inside a dear imgui window or over void blocked by a popup. We don't request mouse capture from the application if click started outside ImGui bounds.
boolMouseDownOwned[5];// Track if button was clicked inside a dear imgui window or over void blocked by a popup. We don't request mouse capture from the application if click started outside ImGui bounds.
boolMouseDownOwnedUnlessPopupClose[5];//Track if button was clicked inside a dear imgui window.
boolMouseDownOwnedUnlessPopupClose[5];//Track if button was clicked inside a dear imgui window.
charMouseDownMultiClickCount[5];// Track number of mouse down clicks in a row
floatMouseDownDuration[5];// Duration the mouse button has been down (0.0f == just clicked)
floatMouseDownDuration[5];// Duration the mouse button has been down (0.0f == just clicked)
floatMouseDownDurationPrev[5];// Previous time the mouse button has been down
floatMouseDownDurationPrev[5];// Previous time the mouse button has been down
ImVec2MouseDragMaxDistanceAbs[5];// Maximum distance, absolute, on each axis, of how much mouse has traveled from the clicking point
ImVec2MouseDragMaxDistanceAbs[5];// Maximum distance, absolute, on each axis, of how much mouse has traveled from the clicking point
//ImGui::Text(" - last count:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (io.MouseClickedLastCount[i]) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("b%d (%d)", i, io.MouseClickedLastCount[i]); }