// Proxy functions to access the MemAllocFn/MemFreeFn/MemReallocFn pointers in ImGui::GetIO(). The only reason they exist here is to allow ImVector<> to compile inline.
// Proxy functions to access the MemAllocFn/MemFreeFn/MemReallocFn pointers in ImGui::GetIO(). The only reason they exist here is to allow ImVector<> to compile inline.
// std::vector<> like class to avoid dragging dependencies (also: windows implementation of STL with debug enabled is absurdly slow, so let's bypass it so our code runs fast in debug).
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ namespace ImGui
voidSetCursorPos(constImVec2&pos);// "
voidSetCursorPosX(floatx);// "
voidSetCursorPosY(floaty);// "
ImVec2GetCursorScreenPos();// cursor position in screen space
ImVec2GetCursorScreenPos();// cursor position in screen space
voidAlignFirstTextHeightToWidgets();// call once if the first item on the line is a Text() item and you want to vertically lower it to match subsequent (bigger) widgets.
@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ namespace ImGui
boolIsKeyPressed(intkey_index,boolrepeat=true);// key_index into the keys_down[512] array, imgui doesn't know the semantic of each entry
boolIsMouseHoveringWindow();// is mouse hovering current window ("window" in API names always refer to current window)
boolIsMouseHoveringAnyWindow();// is mouse hovering any active imgui window
boolIsMouseHoveringWindow();// is mouse hovering current window ("window" in API names always refer to current window)
boolIsMouseHoveringAnyWindow();// is mouse hovering any active imgui window
boolIsMouseHoveringBox(constImVec2&box_min,constImVec2&box_max);// is mouse hovering given bounding box
boolIsPosHoveringAnyWindow(constImVec2&pos);// is given position hovering any active imgui window
boolIsPosHoveringAnyWindow(constImVec2&pos);// is given position hovering any active imgui window
ImVec2GetMousePos();// shortcut to ImGui::GetIO().MousePos provided by user, to be consistent with other calls
@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ struct ImGuiIO
floatMouseDoubleClickMaxDist;// = 6.0f // Distance threshold to stay in to validate a double-click, in pixels.
intKeyMap[ImGuiKey_COUNT];// <unset> // Map of indices into the KeysDown[512] entries array
ImFontFont;// <auto> // Gets passed to text functions. Typedef ImFont to the type you want (ImBitmapFont* or your own font).
floatFontYOffset;// = 0.0f // Offset font rendering by xx pixels in Y axis.
floatFontYOffset;// = 0.0f // Offset font rendering by xx pixels in Y axis.
ImVec2FontTexUvForWhite;// = (0.0f,0.0f) // Font texture must have a white pixel at this UV coordinate. Adjust if you are using custom texture.
floatFontBaseScale;// = 1.0f // Base font scale, multiplied by the per-window font scale which you can adjust with SetFontScale()
floatFontBaseScale;// = 1.0f // Base font scale, multiplied by the per-window font scale which you can adjust with SetFontScale()
boolFontAllowUserScaling;// = false // Set to allow scaling text with CTRL+Wheel.
floatPixelCenterOffset;// = 0.0f // Try to set to 0.5f or 0.375f if rendering is blurry
@ -426,12 +426,12 @@ struct ImGuiIO
// NB- for SetClipboardTextFn, the string is *NOT* zero-terminated at 'text_end'