// Here we are grabbing the font texture because that's the only one we have access to inside the demo code.
// Here we are grabbing the font texture because that's the only one we have access to inside the demo code.
// Remember that ImTextureID is just storage for whatever you want it to be, it is essentially a value that will be passed to the render function inside the ImDrawCmd structure.
// Remember that ImTextureID is just storage for whatever you want it to be, it is essentially a value that will be passed to the render function inside the ImDrawCmd structure.
// If you use one of the default imgui_impl_XXXX.cpp renderer, they all have comments at the top of their file to specify what they expect to be stored in ImTextureID.
// If you use one of the default imgui_impl_XXXX.cpp renderer, they all have comments at the top of their file to specify what they expect to be stored in ImTextureID.
// (for example, the imgui_impl_dx11.cpp renderer expect a 'ID3D11ShaderResourceView*' pointer. The imgui_impl_glfw_gl3.cpp renderer expect a GLuint OpenGL texture identifier etc.)
// (for example, the imgui_impl_dx11.cpp renderer expect a 'ID3D11ShaderResourceView*' pointer. The imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp renderer expect a GLuint OpenGL texture identifier etc.)
// If you decided that ImTextureID = MyEngineTexture*, then you can pass your MyEngineTexture* pointers to ImGui::Image(), and gather width/height through your own functions, etc.
// If you decided that ImTextureID = MyEngineTexture*, then you can pass your MyEngineTexture* pointers to ImGui::Image(), and gather width/height through your own functions, etc.
// Using ShowMetricsWindow() as a "debugger" to inspect the draw data that are being passed to your render will help you debug issues if you are confused about this.
// Using ShowMetricsWindow() as a "debugger" to inspect the draw data that are being passed to your render will help you debug issues if you are confused about this.
// Consider using the lower-level ImDrawList::AddImage() API, via ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddImage().
// Consider using the lower-level ImDrawList::AddImage() API, via ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddImage().