Vulkan, Viewports: ImGui_ImplVulkan_RenderDrawData and renderer back-end automatically manage ImGui_ImplVulkanH_WindowRenderBuffers for each viewports so user doesn't have to do it. (#2461, #2348, #2378, #2097)
IMGUI_IMPL_APIvoidImGui_ImplVulkan_SetMinImageCount(uint32_tmin_image_count);// To override MinImageCount after initialization (e.g. if swap chain is recreated)
IMGUI_IMPL_APIvoidImGui_ImplVulkan_SetMinImageCount(uint32_tmin_image_count);// To override MinImageCount after initialization (e.g. if swap chain is recreated)
// Called by ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init(), might be useful elsewhere.
ImVec2DisplayPos;// Upper-left position of the viewport to render (== upper-left of the orthogonal projection matrix to use)
ImVec2DisplayPos;// Upper-left position of the viewport to render (== upper-left of the orthogonal projection matrix to use)
ImVec2DisplaySize;// Size of the viewport to render (== io.DisplaySize for the main viewport) (DisplayPos + DisplaySize == lower-right of the orthogonal projection matrix to use)
ImVec2DisplaySize;// Size of the viewport to render (== io.DisplaySize for the main viewport) (DisplayPos + DisplaySize == lower-right of the orthogonal projection matrix to use)
ImVec2FramebufferScale;// Amount of pixels for each unit of DisplaySize. Based on io.DisplayFramebufferScale. Generally (1,1) on normal display, (2,2) on OSX with Retina display.
ImVec2FramebufferScale;// Amount of pixels for each unit of DisplaySize. Based on io.DisplayFramebufferScale. Generally (1,1) on normal display, (2,2) on OSX with Retina display.
ImGuiViewport*OwnerViewport;// Viewport carrying the ImDrawData instance, might be of use to the renderer (generally not).
// Functions
// Functions
voidClear(){Valid=false;CmdLists=NULL;CmdListsCount=TotalVtxCount=TotalIdxCount=0;DisplayPos=DisplaySize=FramebufferScale=ImVec2(0.f,0.f);}// The ImDrawList are owned by ImGuiContext!
voidClear(){Valid=false;CmdLists=NULL;CmdListsCount=TotalVtxCount=TotalIdxCount=0;DisplayPos=DisplaySize=FramebufferScale=ImVec2(0.f,0.f);OwnerViewport=NULL;}// The ImDrawList are owned by ImGuiContext!
IMGUI_APIvoidDeIndexAllBuffers();// Helper to convert all buffers from indexed to non-indexed, in case you cannot render indexed. Note: this is slow and most likely a waste of resources. Always prefer indexed rendering!
IMGUI_APIvoidDeIndexAllBuffers();// Helper to convert all buffers from indexed to non-indexed, in case you cannot render indexed. Note: this is slow and most likely a waste of resources. Always prefer indexed rendering!
IMGUI_APIvoidScaleClipRects(constImVec2&fb_scale);// Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd. Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than ImGui expects, or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.
IMGUI_APIvoidScaleClipRects(constImVec2&fb_scale);// Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd. Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than ImGui expects, or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.