- The documentation is at the top of imgui.cpp + effectively imgui.h.
- Example code is in imgui_demo.cpp and particularly the ImGui::ShowTestWindow() function. It covers most features of ImGui so you can read the code and call the function itself to see its output.
- Example code is in imgui_demo.cpp and particularly the ImGui::ShowDemoWindow() function. It covers most features of ImGui so you can read the code and call the function itself to see its output.
- Standalone example applications using e.g. OpenGL/DirectX are provided in the examples/ folder.
- We obviously needs better documentation! Consider contributing or becoming a [Patron](http://www.patreon.com/imgui) to promote this effort.
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::Text("Hello, world!");// Some text (you can use a format string too)
ImGui::SliderFloat("float",&f,0.0f,1.0f);// Edit 1 float as a slider from 0.0f to 1.0f
ImGui::ColorEdit3("clear color",(float*)&clear_color);// Edit 3 floats as a color
if(ImGui::Button("Demo Window"))// Use buttons to toggle our bools. We could use Checkbox() as well.
if(ImGui::Button("Another Window"))
ImGui::Text("Application average %.3f ms/frame (%.1f FPS)",1000.0f/ImGui::GetIO().Framerate,ImGui::GetIO().Framerate);
@ -182,11 +188,11 @@ int main(int, char**)
// 3. Show the ImGui test window. Most of the sample code is in ImGui::ShowTestWindow().
// 3. Show the ImGui demo window. Most of the sample code is in ImGui::ShowDemoWindow().
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call it because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -144,7 +148,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::Text("Hello, world!");// Some text (you can use a format string too)
ImGui::SliderFloat("float",&f,0.0f,1.0f);// Edit 1 float as a slider from 0.0f to 1.0f
ImGui::ColorEdit3("clear color",(float*)&clear_color);// Edit 3 floats as a color
if(ImGui::Button("Demo Window"))// Use buttons to toggle our bools. We could use Checkbox() as well.
if(ImGui::Button("Another Window"))
ImGui::Text("Application average %.3f ms/frame (%.1f FPS)",1000.0f/ImGui::GetIO().Framerate,ImGui::GetIO().Framerate);
@ -185,11 +191,11 @@ int main(int, char**)
// 3. Show the ImGui test window. Most of the sample code is in ImGui::ShowTestWindow().
// 3. Show the ImGui demo window. Most of the sample code is in ImGui::ShowDemoWindow().
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call it because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -33,33 +37,35 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650,20),ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
// See ImGui::ShowTestWindow() in imgui_demo.cpp for demo code.
// Call and read ImGui::ShowDemoWindow() in imgui_demo.cpp for demo code.
// Read 'Programmer guide' in imgui.cpp for notes on how to setup ImGui in your codebase.
// Get latest version at https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace ImGui
// Demo, Debug, Informations
IMGUI_APIvoidShowTestWindow(bool*p_open=NULL);// create demo/test window. demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application!
IMGUI_APIvoidShowDemoWindow(bool*p_open=NULL);// create demo/test window (previously called ShowTestWindow). demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application!
IMGUI_APIvoidShowStyleEditor(ImGuiStyle*ref=NULL);// add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style)
staticinlinevoidSetNextWindowContentWidth(floatwidth){SetNextWindowContentSize(ImVec2(width,0.0f));}// OBSOLETE 1.53+ (nb: original version preserved last Y value set by SetNextWindowContentSize())
// Message to the person tempted to delete this file when integrating ImGui into their code base:
// Don't do it! Do NOT remove this file from your project! It is useful reference code that you and other users will want to refer to.
// Everything in this file will be stripped out by the linker if you don't call ImGui::ShowTestWindow().
// During development, you can call ImGui::ShowTestWindow() in your code to learn about various features of ImGui. Have it wired in a debug menu!
// Everything in this file will be stripped out by the linker if you don't call ImGui::ShowDemoWindow().
// During development, you can call ImGui::ShowDemoWindow() in your code to learn about various features of ImGui. Have it wired in a debug menu!
// Removing this file from your project is hindering access to documentation for everyone in your team, likely leading you to poorer usage of the library.
// Note that you can #define IMGUI_DISABLE_TEST_WINDOWS in imconfig.h for the same effect.
// If you want to link core ImGui in your public builds but not those test windows, #define IMGUI_DISABLE_TEST_WINDOWS in imconfig.h and those functions will be empty.
// For any other case, if you have ImGui available you probably want this to be available for reference and execution.
// Note that you can #define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEMO_WINDOWS in imconfig.h for the same effect.
// If you want to link core ImGui in your final builds but not those demo windows, #define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEMO_WINDOWS in imconfig.h and those functions will be empty.
// In other situation, when you have ImGui available you probably want this to be available for reference and execution.
// Thank you,
// -Your beloved friend, imgui_demo.cpp (that you won't delete)
// Message to beginner C/C++ programmer about the meaning of 'static': in this demo code, we frequently we use 'static' variables inside functions.
// We do this as a way to gather code and data in the same place, make the demo code faster to read, faster to write, and smaller. A static variable persist across calls,
// so it is essentially like a global variable but declared inside the scope of the function.
// Message to beginner C/C++ programmers. About the meaning of 'static': in this demo code, we frequently we use 'static' variables inside functions.
// We do this as a way to gather code and data in the same place, just to make the demo code faster to read, faster to write, and use less code.
// A static variable persist across calls, so it is essentially like a global variable but declared inside the scope of the function.
// It also happens to be a convenient way of storing simple UI related information as long as your function doesn't need to be reentrant or used in threads.
// This may be a pattern you want to use in your code (simple is beautiful!), but most of the real data you would be editing is likely to be stored outside your function.
// This might be a pattern you occasionally want to use in your code, but most of the real data you would be editing is likely to be stored outside your function.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion" // warning: implicit conversion from 'float' to 'double' when passing argument to function
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" // warning: conversion to 'xxxx' from 'xxxx' may alter its value
#if (__GNUC__ >= 6)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmisleading-indentation" // warning: this 'if' clause does not guard this statement // GCC 6.0+ only. See #883 on github.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmisleading-indentation" // warning: this 'if' clause does not guard this statement // GCC 6.0+ only. See #883 on GitHub.
// Play it nice with Windows users. Notepad in 2015 still doesn't display text data with Unix-style \n.
// Play it nice with Windows users. Notepad in 2017 still doesn't display text data with Unix-style \n.
// Demo helper function to select among default colors. See ShowStyleEditor() for more advanced options.
// Here we use the simplified Combo() api that packs items into a single literal string. Useful for quick combo boxes where the choices are known locally.