Merge branch 'master' into navigation

omar 7 years ago
commit e4bb9102f9

@ -3606,7 +3606,21 @@ void ImGui::EndFrame()
// (The left mouse button path calls FocusWindow which will lead NewFrame->CloseInactivePopups to trigger)
if (g.IO.MouseClicked[1])
// Find the top-most window between HoveredWindow and the front most Modal Window.
// This is where we can trim the popup stack.
ImGuiWindow* modal = GetFrontMostModalRootWindow();
bool hovered_window_above_modal = false;
if (modal == NULL)
hovered_window_above_modal = true;
for (int i = g.Windows.Size - 1; i >= 0 && hovered_window_above_modal == false; i--)
ImGuiWindow* window = g.Windows[i];
if (window == modal)
if (window == g.HoveredWindow)
hovered_window_above_modal = true;
CloseInactivePopups(hovered_window_above_modal ? g.HoveredWindow : modal);
@ -4297,7 +4311,7 @@ bool ImGui::IsItemFocused()
bool ImGui::IsItemClicked(int mouse_button)
return IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered();
return IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_Default);
bool ImGui::IsAnyItemHovered()
@ -4430,6 +4444,11 @@ void ImGui::OpenPopupEx(ImGuiID id, bool reopen_existing)
g.OpenPopupStack[current_stack_size] = popup_ref;
// When reopening a popup we first refocus its parent, otherwise if its parent is itself a popup it would get closed by CloseInactivePopups().
// This is equivalent to what ClosePopupToLevel() does.
if (g.OpenPopupStack[current_stack_size].PopupId == id)
@ -4446,7 +4465,7 @@ static void CloseInactivePopups(ImGuiWindow* ref_window)
// When popups are stacked, clicking on a lower level popups puts focus back to it and close popups above it.
// Don't close our own child popup windows
// Don't close our own child popup windows.
int n = 0;
if (ref_window)
@ -4459,6 +4478,7 @@ static void CloseInactivePopups(ImGuiWindow* ref_window)
if (popup.Window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow)
// Trim the stack if popups are not direct descendant of the reference window (which is often the NavWindow)
bool has_focus = false;
for (int m = n; m < g.OpenPopupStack.Size && !has_focus; m++)
has_focus = (g.OpenPopupStack[m].Window && g.OpenPopupStack[m].Window->RootWindow == ref_window->RootWindow);
@ -4466,17 +4486,17 @@ static void CloseInactivePopups(ImGuiWindow* ref_window)
if (n < g.OpenPopupStack.Size) // This test is not required but it allows to set a useful breakpoint on the line below
if (n < g.OpenPopupStack.Size) // This test is not required but it allows to set a convenient breakpoint on the block below
static ImGuiWindow* GetFrontMostModalRootWindow()
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
for (int n = g.OpenPopupStack.Size-1; n >= 0; n--)
if (ImGuiWindow* front_most_popup = g.OpenPopupStack.Data[n].Window)
if (front_most_popup->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal)
return front_most_popup;
if (ImGuiWindow* popup = g.OpenPopupStack.Data[n].Window)
if (popup->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal)
return popup;
return NULL;
@ -4624,21 +4644,28 @@ void ImGui::EndPopup()
bool ImGui::OpenPopupOnItemClick(const char* str_id, int mouse_button)
ImGuiWindow* window = GImGui->CurrentWindow;
if (IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup))
ImGuiID id = str_id ? window->GetID(str_id) : window->DC.LastItemId; // If user hasn't passed an ID, we can use the LastItemID. Using LastItemID as a Popup ID won't conflict!
IM_ASSERT(id != 0); // However, you cannot pass a NULL str_id if the last item has no identifier (e.g. a Text() item)
OpenPopupEx(id, true);
return true;
return false;
// This is a helper to handle the simplest case of associating one named popup to one given widget.
// 1. If you have many possible popups (for different "instances" of a same widget, or for wholly different widgets), you may be better off handling
// this yourself so you can store data relative to the widget that opened the popup instead of choosing different popup identifiers.
// 2. If you want right-clicking on the same item to reopen the popup at new location, use the same code replacing IsItemHovered() with IsItemRectHovered()
// and passing true to the OpenPopupEx().
// This is because hovering an item in a window below the popup won't work. IsItemRectHovered() skips this test.
// The pattern of ignoring the fact that the item can be interacted with (because it is blocked by the active popup) may useful in some situation
// when e.g. large canvas where the content of menu driven by click position.
// You may want to handle this on user side if you have specific needs (e.g. tweaking IsItemHovered() parameters).
// You can pass a NULL str_id to use the identifier of the last item.
bool ImGui::BeginPopupContextItem(const char* str_id, int mouse_button)
ImGuiWindow* window = GImGui->CurrentWindow;
ImGuiID id = str_id ? window->GetID(str_id) : window->DC.LastItemId; // If user hasn't passed an ID, we can use the LastItemID. Using LastItemID as a Popup ID won't conflict!
IM_ASSERT(id != 0); // However, you cannot pass a NULL str_id if the last item has no identifier (e.g. a Text() item)
if (IsMouseClicked(mouse_button))
if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup))
if (IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup))
OpenPopupEx(id, true);
return BeginPopupEx(id, ImGuiWindowFlags_ShowBorders | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize);
@ -10753,8 +10780,8 @@ bool ImGui::ColorEdit4(const char* label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags flag
value_changed |= value_changed_as_float |= DragFloat(ids[n], &f[n], 1.0f/255.0f, 0.0f, hdr ? 0.0f : 1.0f, fmt_table_float[fmt_idx][n]);
value_changed |= DragInt(ids[n], &i[n], 1.0f, 0, hdr ? 0 : 255, fmt_table_int[fmt_idx][n]);
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions) && IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(1))
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions))
@ -10780,8 +10807,8 @@ bool ImGui::ColorEdit4(const char* label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags flag
sscanf(p, "%02X%02X%02X", (unsigned int*)&i[0], (unsigned int*)&i[1], (unsigned int*)&i[2]);
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions) && IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(1))
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions))
@ -10802,8 +10829,8 @@ bool ImGui::ColorEdit4(const char* label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags flag
SetNextWindowPos(window->DC.LastItemRect.GetBL() + ImVec2(-1,style.ItemSpacing.y));
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions) && IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(1))
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions))
if (BeginPopup("picker"))
@ -10970,8 +10997,8 @@ bool ImGui::ColorPicker4(const char* label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags fl
value_changed = value_changed_sv = true;
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions) && IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(1))
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions))
else if (flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar)
@ -10983,8 +11010,8 @@ bool ImGui::ColorPicker4(const char* label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags fl
V = 1.0f - ImSaturate((io.MousePos.y - picker_pos.y) / (sv_picker_size-1));
value_changed = value_changed_sv = true;
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions) && IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(1))
if (!(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions))
// Hue bar logic
SetCursorScreenPos(ImVec2(bar0_pos_x, picker_pos.y));

@ -391,11 +391,12 @@ namespace ImGui
// Popups
IMGUI_API void OpenPopup(const char* str_id); // call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!). popups are closed when user click outside, or if CloseCurrentPopup() is called within a BeginPopup()/EndPopup() block. By default, Selectable()/MenuItem() are calling CloseCurrentPopup(). Popup identifiers are relative to the current ID-stack (so OpenPopup and BeginPopup needs to be at the same level).
IMGUI_API bool OpenPopupOnItemClick(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // helper to open popup when clicked on last item. return true when just opened.
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopup(const char* str_id); // return true if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it. only call EndPopup() if BeginPopup() returned true!
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupModal(const char* name, bool* p_open = NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags = 0); // modal dialog (block interactions behind the modal window, can't close the modal window by clicking outside)
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextItem(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // helper to open and begin popup when clicked on last item. if you can pass a NULL str_id only if the previous item had an id. If you want to use that on a non-interactive item such as Text() you need to pass in an explicit ID here. read comments in .cpp!
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextWindow(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1, bool also_over_items = true); // helper to open and begin popup when clicked on current window.
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextVoid(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // helper to open and begin popup when clicked in void (no window).
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextVoid(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // helper to open and begin popup when clicked in void (where there are no imgui windows).
IMGUI_API void EndPopup();
IMGUI_API bool IsPopupOpen(const char* str_id); // return true if the popup is open
IMGUI_API void CloseCurrentPopup(); // close the popup we have begin-ed into. clicking on a MenuItem or Selectable automatically close the current popup.

@ -1457,6 +1457,8 @@ void ImGui::ShowTestWindow(bool* p_open)
ImGui::Text("Hello from Stacked The First\nUsing style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] for darkening.");
static int item = 1;
ImGui::Combo("Combo", &item, "aaaa\0bbbb\0cccc\0dddd\0eeee\0\0");
static float color[4] = { 0.4f,0.7f,0.0f,0.5f };
ImGui::ColorEdit4("color", color); // This is to test behavior of stacked regular popups over a modal
if (ImGui::Button("Add another modal.."))
ImGui::OpenPopup("Stacked 2");
