@ -108,30 +108,31 @@ Integrating Dear ImGui within your custom engine is a matter of 1) wiring mouse/
_NB: those third-party bindings may be more or less maintained, more or less close to the original API (as people who create language bindings sometimes haven't used the C++ API themselves.. for the good reason that they aren't C++ users). Dear ImGui was designed with C++ in mind and some of the subtleties may be lost in translation with other languages. If your language supports it, I would suggest replicating the function overloading and default parameters used in the original, else the API may be harder to use. In doubt, please check the original C++ version first!_
- Lua: [imgui_lua_bindings](https://github.com/patrickriordan/imgui_lua_bindings) or [lua-ffi-bindings](https://github.com/thenumbernine/lua-ffi-bindings)
- Unreal Engine 4: [segross/UnrealImGui](https://github.com/segross/UnrealImGui) or [sronsse/UnrealEngine_ImGui](https://github.com/sronsse/UnrealEngine_ImGui)
For other bindings: see [this page](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Links/). Also see [wiki](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) for a few other links and ideas. Contact me if you would like to add to those lists.
For other bindings: see [Bindings](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Bindings/). Also see [Wiki](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) for more links and ideas.
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ The Immediate Mode GUI paradigm may at first appear unusual to some users. This
- [Nicolas Guillemot's CppCon'16 flash-talk about Dear ImGui](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSRJ1jZq90k).
- [Thierry Excoffier's Zero Memory Widget](http://perso.univ-lyon1.fr/thierry.excoffier/ZMW/).
See the [Links page](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Links) for third-party bindings to different languages and frameworks.
See the [Wiki](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) and [Bindings](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Bindings) for third-party bindings to different languages and frameworks.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ You can alter the look of the interface to some degree: changing colors, sizes,
Dear ImGui takes advantage of a few C++ languages features for convenience but nothing anywhere Boost-insanity/quagmire. Dear ImGui does NOT require C++11 so it can be used with most old C++ compilers. Dear ImGui doesn't use any C++ header file. Language-wise, function overloading and default parameters are used to make the API easier to use and code more terse. Doing so I believe the API is sitting on a sweet spot and giving up on those features would make the API more cumbersome. Other features such as namespace, constructors and templates (in the case of the ImVector<> class) are also relied on as a convenience.
There is an reasonably maintained [c-api for ImGui](https://github.com/Extrawurst/cimgui) by Stephan Dilly designed for binding in other languages. I would suggest using your target language functionalities to try replicating the function overloading and default parameters used in C++ else the API may be harder to use. Also see [Links](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Links) for third-party bindings to other languages.
There is an reasonably maintained [c-api for ImGui](https://github.com/Extrawurst/cimgui) by Stephan Dilly designed for binding in other languages. I would suggest using your target language functionalities to try replicating the function overloading and default parameters used in C++ else the API may be harder to use. Also see [Bindings](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Bindings) for third-party bindings to other languages.