ImVec2DesiredSize;// Read-write. Desired size, based on user's mouse position. Write to this field to restrain resizing.
// [BETA] Rarely used / very advanced uses only. Use with SetNextWindowClass() and DockSpace() functions.
// Provide hints to the platform back-end via altered viewport flags (enable/disable OS decoration, OS task bar icons, etc.) and OS level parent/child relationships.
// [ALPHA] Rarely used / very advanced uses only. Use with SetNextWindowClass() and DockSpace() functions.
// Important: the content of this class is still highly WIP and likely to change and be refactored
// before we stabilize Docking features. Please be mindful if using this.
// Provide hints:
// - To the platform back-end via altered viewport flags (enable/disable OS decoration, OS task bar icons, etc.)
// - To the platform back-end for OS level parent/child relationships of viewport.
// - To the docking system for various options and filtering.
ImGuiIDClassId;// User data. 0 = Default class (unclassed). Windows of different classes cannot be docked with each others.